Clubhouse Hire Terms and Conditions


Bookings at The Clubhouse are accepted on the understanding that the Hirer, who is the responsible person, has read, understood, and agreed to all terms and conditions as outlined below.

Terms and conditions for the hire of Adlington Junior Football Club facilities

1.  In these terms and conditions (T&Cs):

  1. ‘The Football Club’ means: Adlington Junior Football Club
  2. ‘The event’ means: the use of hire.
  3. ‘The facilities’ means: all property of, or under the control or management of, the football club, which may be the subject of a hire agreement, and includes sports and any associated equipment.
  4. ‘The head of booking services’ means: the current Operations Manager of the Football Club, or any other officer nominated to act in their place to administer the bookings. The head of booking services will liaise, as necessary, with other football club heads of service with responsibility for the provision of facilities for use, to conduct the functions set out in these T&Cs.
  5. ‘The hire’ means: the use of facilities or land by agreement with the Football Club
  6. ‘The hirer’ means: the person(s) entering into the hiring agreement with the Football Club
  7. ‘The hiring’ means: the agreement to use the facilities.
  8. ‘People using the facilities’ means: people invited, allowed, or required by the hirer or anyone else to attend, watch or take part in any activity.
  9. ‘Sports facilities’ means: the sports pitches and changing rooms items supplied by the football club.

2.  The T&Cs will apply to the hire of the facilities.

  1. Application for hire must be made using the relevant form supplied by the Football Club.
  2. The person signing the application form will be deemed to be the hirer and will be responsible for complying with the conditions of the hiring agreement.
  3. If the hiring is being made by a legally constituted club/association or other incorporated organisation, the agreement form for sports must be signed by a person duly authorised by the club/association or organisation named on the agreement form. In the case of a constituted club/association, its current trustees will also be deemed to be the hirer, and they will all be jointly and severally liable under the hiring agreement.
  4. The hirer must be over 18 years of age.
  5. The agreement to hire facilities will only come into existence when:
    1. An agreement form has been signed and returned.
    1. The head of booking services or nominated officer has accepted the booking in writing, all required documentation has been received.
  6. The Football Club reserves the right to vary, alter or revise any of these T&Cs. This right will not be used to alter the conditions of a booking that has already been accepted. However, if a booking has been accepted but full payment has not been received, the Football Club has the right under sub-clause 3(b) to alter the charges due.
  7. These conditions cannot be changed verbally by a Football Club committee officer. Any changes must be confirmed in writing by the head of booking services or nominated officer.
  8. The hiring agreement will give the hirer, and/or the represented club/association or organisation, the right to use the relevant facilities. The hirer has no right to assign or sub-let the facilities. Any instance of an unauthorised sub-letting may, at the discretion of the head of booking services or nominated officer, result in the hiring agreement being forthwith terminated or suspended.

3.  The hirer must pay the Football Club the fixed fees for hiring any facilities within 14 days of date of invoice.

  1. The Football Club reserves the right to alter charges without notice. All bookings, other than those where all fees have been paid, remain subject to this right.
  2. Hire fees must be paid to Adlington Junior Football Club Springfield Road Adlington Chorley PR6 9LP. Only the Football Club official receipt form will be accepted as evidence of payment.

4.  The Football Club reserves the right to cancel bookings and, without notice, to terminate or temporarily suspend the use of facilities if, in the opinion of the committee member in charge of the facilities:

  1. The facilities are unfit or not available for use, or
  2. Are required for any other purpose. This right will not be exercised unreasonably.

5.  The Football Club reserves the right to refuse bookings on a permanent or temporary basis, cancel bookings, or attach additional conditions to the hiring of any facilities, if the head of booking services or nominated committee member has reason to believe that the person concerned:

  1. Is in any way responsible for deliberate or negligent damage caused to the facilities; this includes littering and the non-removal of waste.
  2. Owes money to the Football Club because of, or in connection with, a previous hiring of facilities.
  3. Is in breach of any other provision of these conditions or has been in breach of conditions relating to any previous hiring of facilities.

6.  The Football Club reserves the right to cancel any booking for which payment has not been received by the specified date.

  1. If the Football Club cancels under the provisions of clause 4(a), any bookings previously accepted, all fees will be refunded.
  2. If, under the provisions of clause 4(b), the Football Club cancels any bookings previously accepted, any refund of fees previously paid will be decided by the head of booking services or nominated officer.

7. The hirer must be responsible for ensuring that all those attending the activity, comply with:

  1. All reasonable instructions of the authorised Football club committee members in charge of the facilities.
  2. Current equality and safeguarding legislation including the use of photographic or video recording equipment.

8. The hirer must make suitable arrangements for the proper supervision of the activity, to ensure that his responsibilities under clause 6(a) are met. The hirer must take all precautions necessary to ensure that:

  1. No inconvenience or annoyance is caused to:
    1. users of other land or facilities belonging to the Football Club or Football Club
    1. owners or occupiers of neighbouring properties
    1. the public, and
  2. No injury or damage is caused or is reasonably likely to be caused to:
    1. people using the facilities.
    1. the users of other land or facilities belonging to the Football Club
    1. owners or occupiers of neighbouring properties
    1. the public
    1. any personal property.
  3. The head of booking services or committee member will decide whether the requirements of clauses 6(a) and (b) of this clause have been complied with.

9. The hirer must ensure:

a)  Vehicles of any sort (including motorcycles) must not be parked or left on any area other than on official designated car park, or where the Football Club permits.

b)  If any public address equipment and/or other amplifying equipment is to be used prior written consent must be obtained. The equipment must not cause annoyance or nuisance to the occupiers of surrounding property or to the public.

10.              The Football Club accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage, injury or loss that may occur to:

  1. the hirer
  2. anyone using the facilities.
  3. any property of the hirer or anyone using the facilities.
  4. This also covers the loss of any property belonging to anyone, except where the accident, damage, injury, or loss has been caused through the negligence or act of the Football Club, or a committee member in the course of their employment. It is strongly recommended that valuables are not left in changing rooms or on pitches.
  5. The hirer must ensure that the contents of clause 8 are brought to the attention of everyone using the facilities. Anyone using the facilities will be deemed to do so at their own risk, waiving all rights (if any) to claims against the Football Club in respect of any accident, damage, injury, or loss for which the Football Club refutes any responsibility or liability under clause 8.
  6. The hirer agrees to indemnify, and keep indemnified, the Football Club against all proceedings, claims, costs, expenses, and liabilities in respect of:
  7. Any injury (whether fatal or otherwise) to anyone (whether using the facilities or not); and/or
  8. Any loss of, or damage to the property of anyone (whether using the facilities or not) arising from, or caused by, the hire of the facilities by the hirer.
  9. Whilst not a condition of the hiring, the hirer should consider obtaining Public Liability insurance cover to protect themself from any liabilities that may arise out of the activity and/or the indemnity given to the Football Club pursuant to clause 8(c) above.
  10. The hirer must take all appropriate measures to ensure that no damage, either directly or indirectly, is caused to any facilities. This includes not using grass pitches unofficially or if cancelled due to inclement weather.
  11. The hirer agrees to pay the Football Club, within 14 days of receipt of a written demand, compensation for any damage caused in breach of clause 9(a). The head of booking services or nominated committee member will reasonably assess the amount of compensation. This will be the cost of repairing the damage, together with the actual or estimated amount of income lost by the Football Club, because of damaged facilities. The decision of the head of booking services or committee member will be final.

11.              The hirer will be responsible for inspecting all facilities hired before use. The hirer will be deemed to have accepted that all facilities were in a good and safe condition, unless the hirer has specifically and clearly brought any defects to the notice of an authorised committee member before the commencement of use. The fact that a committee member has authorised the facilities to be used does not imply any warranty on the part of the football club as to the condition of the facilities. The hirer must rely on his own inspection. Any complaint connected with the hiring or use of any facilities must be made in writing to the head of booking services or committee members within five working days of the problem being encountered.

12.              No charge can be made by the hirer, or any other person(s) attending, watching, or taking part in any event, without having first obtained the written consent of the head of booking services or committee member. Any application for written consent must give full details of the charges to be made, and how the proceeds of the charges are to be used. For the purposes of these conditions, a charge will be deemed to be made when:

  1. money is demanded or paid for admission to, or participation in, any event.
  2. programmes for an event or other goods are sold.
  3. a collection of money or goods is made.
  4. a raffle or lottery of any sort is held.

13.               The Football Club reserves the right for any of its authorised members to enter the hired facilities at any time, to ensure the conditions of hire are being complied with. If a member, on visiting the hired facilities reasonably believes:

  1. The hirer has not taken, or is not taking, the action necessary to fulfil his responsibilities under clause 6 or
    1. any action has been taken, or is being taken, in connection with the activity for which the prior written consent of the head of booking services or nominated officer is required under the terms of these conditions, and that prior written consent has not been obtained then that member, at their discretion, may either require the hirer to take any necessary action, or cancel that booking and require the hirer and everyone using the facilities to vacate them immediately. No fees are refundable to the hirer by the Football Club, in respect of a booking cancelled in this way.

14.              Additional Conditions Relating to Sports Facilities

  1. Special arrangements may be agreed with the head of booking services for sports matches outside the relevant season.
  2. The Football Club will, at its own expense, provide the necessary goal posts, corner flags and pitch markings for all football bookings. The hirer is responsible for the supply and erection of football nets on grass pitches, which will have been provided in the first instance by the football Club. It is the responsibility of all teams using Football Club facilities to ensure that they have obtained nets from the club as soon as the team has been set up. The nets remain the property of the Football Club and must be returned.
  3. The hirer must not use the changing accommodation showers to wash/clean dirty footwear.
  4. A hirer who is wishing to book sports facilities for the purpose of organised league matches must obtain, and produce documentary proof of, Public Liability insurance cover for at least £5,000,000 or such other amount as the Football Blub may specify in relation to the use of hire.
  5. To qualify for a refund for cancellations:
  1. All weekend bookings no longer required must be cancelled at least 48 hours from the start time of the booking, otherwise the full charge will be incurred.
    1. All weekday bookings no longer required must be cancelled at least 48 hours before the start time of the booking, otherwise the full charge will be incurred.

14. Any correspondence sent to the hirer via email or post, will be demanded to be received. The hirer is responsible for notifying the head of booking services or nominated officer in writing of any change of home or email address. The Football Club accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage arising from failure to comply with this condition.

15.              The Football Club enters into this hiring agreement only in its capacity as the owner and manager of the hired land. No action taken by the Football Club or one of its committee members, under the terms of such an agreement will be deemed to be a waiver, or in any way limit the football clubs’ rights, duties or powers as a local authority or local planning authority. If the written consent of the head of booking services is required, and is given to any action, this consent will not be deemed to be formal approval of the action from the Football Club for the purposes of any statute or regulation, unless it is expressly stated to be so.